Ride is designed to simplify the car rental process and make it more convenient and efficient for users. By connecting users with a network of car rental companies and providing a wide range of features, the app makes it easy for users to find and book the car they need, and manage their rental.
I aimed to create a mobile application to provide users with a convinient and eficient way to rent a car.
10 weeks
Despite the rise of online car rental systems, customers in Rwanda still face limitations in terms of availability and access. Specifically, traditional car rental systems only operate during office hours, making it difficult for customers to make reservations or transactions. Additionally, the limited number of online car rental systems available in Rwanda primarily cater to tourists and only operate in the city of Kigali. Furthermore, customers struggle to find the right car rental that meets their specific requirements, as they have limited information about the vehicles and drivers. This results in a frustrating and time-consuming rental process, where customers must first go to an office to register as a client before being able to make a reservation.
In order to effectively address the concerns and requirements identified through our research, we will develop a mobile application designed to assist users in locating and renting cars
Market research was conducted to gain an understanding of the market conditions, consumer behavior, and competition within the car renting industry. The information got was used to identify opportunities, develop marketing strategies, and improve decision-making. The research is divided into two categories; which are Qualitative and Quantitavive Research.
I conducted interviews with 5 individuals as part of my research to gain insight into the difficulties they encounter when seeking to rent a car.
I did online surveys using google to analyze the response of the users. 30 people participated in the survey , making it possible for me to conduct this.
Here I attached some responses of the online survey
I examined the strengths and weaknesses of major competitors in the rental app market and identified key challenges by
using and observing various apps. Additionally, I researched customer feedback by reading online reviews to determine common issues.
I analyzed 2 companies. Move and YegoCabs. I did the analysis to see their strengths and weaknesses. With this analysis, I could better understand different approaches that the brands took to address a similar problem and apply this information to help make the best decision of RIDE product.
To make sure that my decisions moving forward in the process are user-centered, I wanted to have a clear understanding of who RIDE’s users are. I created a user persona to represent who I will be designing for -- Meet Jade
An empathy map is a tool used to understand the perspective and needs of a particular user or group of users. It can be used to help design and improve products, services, or experiences.
By creating an empathy map, the developers of the car rental app can gain a deeper understanding of the needs, wants, and pain points of their users, which can help them design a better user experience and make more informed product decisions.
I have explored various ideas and concepts that can improve the user experience of the app. My goal was to gather a wide range of ideas and perspectives to come up with a comprehisive solution that addresses the needs of users. I decided to use mind mapping to quickly generate as many ideas as I could.
Affinity mapping is a powerful tool used in user research and design to organize and understand large amounts of data.
In this UX case study, It helped me gain better understanding of user's needs and pain points.
I got a clear picture of what users want to expect from a car rental app and how I can enchance the app to
better meet those needs. Below is the summary of the pain points and goals.
The information Architecture is designed to make the process of car as simple as intuintive as possible.
It helped me to organize and structure the information to help me meet the needs of the app's target audience.
Below is the Information Architecture of Ride App.
Drawing on a piece of paper is an efficient method for generating and eliminating a multitude of concepts rapidly. It is the most effective way to establish the fundamental structure of screens.
Here are some screens that I sketched on the paper
After paper wireframes, I started the design process.
I created the main webpage for the application that aims to assist individuals who are interested in downloading the app or require assistance. The webpage demonstrates the functionality and advantages of the app, and also includes a means of contacting for support.